AMISUN is the first in the world to offer non-Muslim students the degrees and diplomas in Islamic faith and knowledge. Our admissions are open to all qualifying students meeting the minimum required criteria. The AMISUN offers free evaluations of a prospective student’s previous works, grades, and experience. AMISUN may require an Interview with the respected Dean of the particular field of interest. However, AMISUN is a non-discriminatory and equal opportunity institution.
We offer Diplomas, Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Degrees in Islamic faith-based disciplines. AMISUN offers 13 Associate, 11 Bachelor, 11 Masters, and 10 Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Islam degrees. For detailed curriculums and degree programs, please visit our Academic Bodies page.
Main Office:
3944-2 West Alabama Street, Houston, Texas 77027,
United States of America
Email: admissions@amisun.education
+1-713-319-8175 University Hotline
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