Islamic Psy- Course Details

 Course Plan – Spring 2021

Course Code                      Undergraduate

Course Title                        Islamic Psychology

Instructor’s name :          Mr. Lazarus Mohanno (Email:

Text Phone number:      It is understood that no phone calls are allowed. If needing help after the class, student will write text message to the instructor. (Any phone service charges are responsibility of the student) WhatsApp Number: Ask the instructor

Total Credit Hours: 3                                   Lectures Credit Hours: 3 per week               Lab. Credit Hours: 0

Total Contact Hours: 48                             Lecture Contact Hours: 3per week               Lab. Contact Hours:0

Office Hours

(Day, time and place): Online and Distance due to COVID-19 Restrictions Call and make an appointment to discuss or via email discussions

Pre-Requisite:  None

Course Objectives and Outcomes:

First Part Objectives:                      To transform student’s object of interest into an object of inquiry

Second Part Objectives:                To explore the notion of individual and Islamic faith into understanding humans and their thinking patterns. It shall also develop foundation of thoughts process of the society and develop core understanding with theoretical formats, case studies and real-time life settings

Third Part Objectives:                    Mastery of analytical tools allowing examination of Divine and Godly Rules and their application into human life, family and the society. The course should serve as a tool for influence, and mandate of certain outcomes

Ultimate Objectives:                      The course provides necessary skills to study the Islamic Psychology.  Human and acceptable ethics at various organizational levels and micro and macro scales. It is further to introduce the student to personal and social values as norms of a civilized society with the aid of systematic thinkingabout social values and combining them with the individual, family and the social values.

Course Format

Following are the methods for this class.

  • Reviews of previous class material,
  • Short weekly lectures,
  • Student research paper and its proper written presentation in slides (PowerPoint, if applicable)

However, prior to each class, students are expected to read the required texts and articles listed in the syllabus. Students are responsible for content included in the Details, even if it is not explicitly reviewed in class. Students are expected to participate actively in class discussions.

Students are also responsible for:

  • Reading assignment,
  • A Research Paper,
  • Research on each topic presented,
  • Turing in your reading assignments (Online class requires that each student to turn in hand written notes for each reading. He/she also is required to ask questions on the reading material which he/ she did not understand and need clarification and explanation from the instructor)

Final Grade Determination

Please keep in mind that grades are earned through hard work, quality performance on class assignments, and making contributions to the class by actively participating in class discussions.

You should be fully aware of the final grade you may get from your performance. No incompletes will be given, with the exception of serious unexpected events that prevent course completion. Your final grade will be based on the following assignments/exams:

  1. Exams
  2. Case analyses
  3. Class Participation
  4. Final paper

Overall Aims of the Course

Today’s world is stuffed with contemporary problems as society evolves from isolated village life to contemporary urbanization. Alongside the movement of people there is also a shift in human psychology and thinking. People in a civilized society are required to maintain social behavior, social, and family practices, which are beneficial in a holistic way and useful for the whole society. However the problem arises when different faiths, personal beliefs, and deformed social values alongside the sectorial religious beliefs collide. Islam is melting pots of individual cultures and therefore requiring set of rules, which are universally acceptable as well as adoptable. Therefore the notion and ideology being offered in the class is unique in the sense that it provides a common ground for all students as future professionals. The Ethics learned in the class shall be the founding stone of creating individuals as valuable social and business assets for the whole society.


Grades are based on the following categories:

  • 50% two exams (Mid-term 25% | Final exam 25%)
  • Course work assignments 20%
  • Research paper 15%
  • Intellectual curiosity, taking intellectual risks, suspending disbelief and trying out ideas that are different 15%
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