University Agency for Development

Learning and Development team
Learning and Development is responsible for:

Effective staff development provision, from clarifying the need, to design and selecting methods, through to the delivery and evaluation of interventions.
Providing all line managers and those involved in the identification and prioritisation of staff development activities with the relevant support.
Providing an advisory service to Heads of Department, line managers, staff and University networks and committees on external developments within the staff development field.
Maintaining effective partnerships with departments, trade unions and other staff development providers to ensure individual and team objectives are supported by appropriate development activities.
Offering guidance on external provision of staff development interventions.
Ensuring such activities are conducted in accordance with the University’s policy on Equal Opportunities.
Supporting the provision of any needs identified from positive action initiatives.
Providing the mechanisms to ensure accurate training records are maintained.
Evaluating staff development activities in order to assure and enhance their quality.
Reporting back to HR Policy Committee on matters relating to staff development.

Heads of Department
Heads of Department are responsible for:

Demonstrating appropriate behaviors, especially commitment to excellence and continuous development.
Identifying needs for the development of their staff arising from the internal and external change at Departmental and University levels.
Liaising with the Learning and Development team regarding the provision of appropriate developmental interventions.
Providing appropriate resources (time and money) for Staff Development activities.
Ensuring training opportunities are supported in accordance with the University’s policy on Equal Opportunities
Where appropriate, identifying nominee/s among their senior management team to undertake some aspects of these responsibilities

Line managers
Line Managers are responsible for:

Ensuring that individuals have the opportunity at regular intervals, to discuss their Staff Development needs.
Giving staff constructive, honest and timely feedback on their performance.
Identifying individual and team development needs which take account of both the University goals and relevant aspirations of individuals.
Regularly considering the development needs which will enable individuals or groups to respond effectively to internal and external changes.
Establishing priorities taking account of individual departmental and University priorities and making appropriate provision to meet them within the resources available.
In conjunction with the Learning and Development team, identifying appropriate opportunities for staff development.
Where appropriate, approving attendance at relevant staff development activities and making appropriate provision for the release of staff from their duties.
Recognising and taking into account that disadvantaged groups may require particular encouragement, or positive action training initiatives, to help overcome historical inequalities.
Briefing and de-briefing their staff who participate in staff development activities, to facilitate effective consolidation of their learning and in some cases dissemination more widely.
Ensuring equal opportunities in access to staff development is in accordance with the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy.

Individuals are responsible for:

Reflecting at regular intervals upon their performance in their current jobs and future career aspirations and identifying their appropriate development needs.
Discussing these with their Line Manager during their Performance Review Meetings with a view to establishing priorities in relation to their personal, departmental or University objectives.
Taking full advantage of such opportunities.
For the upkeep and maintenance of their individual personal development portfolio as evidence of their development and achievement.
Applying newly-developed knowledge and skills to their work and the development of their careers.
Where difficulties occur, raising issues with their line manager and Learning and Development in the first instance.

Departmental Training Officers (DTOs)
DTOs are responsible for:

Assisting the Head of Department to identify and assess staff development needs on behalf of the Department.
Providing advice and guidance on staff development needs and opportunities.
Maintaining Departmental training records.
Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness and impact of staff development. This may include contributing to an annual summary of outcomes/benefits to the Department.
Assisting the Head of Department in making effective use of the Departmental Staff Development budget.
Attending the termly DTO Forum to network and share practice.
Monitoring and Review of Policy
All staff development activities will be evaluated. The Learning and Development team and other providers of in-house staff development activities are responsible for evaluating the effectiveness and impact of what they provide.
We are committed to the continuous improvement of our staff development provision and encourage feedback from staff. Where appropriate, best practice will be shared as part of our commitment to improve our service provision.
Those responsible for managing staff should, together with the staff member participating in staff development activities, evaluate the extent to which development undertaken has achieved the intended objectives, and where necessary agree appropriate next steps with the staff member during their annual Performance Review.
Application of the policy will be monitored by the Director of Learning and Development. Annual reports will be made to the HR Policy Committee.
Staff Development Policy Guidelines
The following guidance notes are provided to assist staff in implementing the Staff Development Policy:

Induction policy
Support for external development programs with or without qualification
Statutory and compliance training guideline
Right to request time off for training

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