University Agency for Educational Affairs

The Roles of the Agency’s Units

Educational departments

Tasks of the head of the educational department:

Discussing the recommendation to promote faculty members, teaching assistants, and lecturers.

Distributing Tasks and lectures, whether entering or outside the college, to faculty, teaching assistants, and lecturers.

Consider the resignation of members, sabbatical leave, and exceptional vacations of faculty members.

Forming internal committees.

Examine the applications submitted to the department for contracting or employment.

Hold the department council once every two weeks or according to whatever works arise.

Ensure the faculty members ‘shares through the scale of assessments.

Follow-up of equivalent hours and teaching hours through the teaching load card for each member.

Create a comprehensive plan for the department members.

submission of the needs of the department from the faculty members.

present proposals in favor of work and solve problems that hinder the achievement of the desired goals.

The follow-up to the presence and absence of the department’s staff.

Follow up on the works of the department’s employees, faculty members, secretaries, trainees, and collaborators.

Participation in the teaching burden.

Estimate the department’s needs for textbooks, scientific references, periodicals, devices, materials, and other requirements for the educational process and scientific research and submit them to the dean of the college.

List the lectures of those who teach in the department from outside the college and submit them to the college dean.

Conducting personal interviews for teaching assistants and lectures with the college deans.

Attending the discussion of master’s and doctoral theses, and coordinating the department’s staff attendees.

The follow-up to the achievement of postgraduate students in their research, overcome the difficulties they face, providing their needs.

Notify students of studies and supervisors about the responses of the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research on topics of interest to them such as discounts, modifications, or approvals on – the plan and supervision or amendment of the plan and signing informing letter for it.

Supervising the teaching of the curricula according to the plan and the curricula.

Ensure that all teaching assistants and lecturers gain teaching experiences through their participation in teaching scientific parts and exercises and diversifying their expertise.

Supervising department’s custodies, following up on their circulation, and preserving them.

Supervising students’ attendance, monitoring students’ interruption, exceeding their permitted absenteeism rates, and reporting it to the College Board.

Organize and supervise the mid-year exams and final exams to appoint a coordinator for the exams and oversees the distribution of observations on the exam schedule.

Submit names of students who exceeded the percentage of absence to the Student Affairs Office, after the eighth week and again after the thirteenth week.

Tasks of the Academic schedules and Examination Unit:

Academic schedules

Preparing a statistical report of student numbers in the scholastic classes for the curriculums of the current semester to estimate the numbers of students for the next semester.

Adoption of the number of students in the classes, and record the curricula of the faltering student to open special classes for them adding to the basic classes for each level according to a table that shows the number of classes of the basic and optional courses for each level with any additional note adhere at the setting.

Addressing the colleges with the required requirement for students from joint or optional courses, in which all the classes’ data is explained.

Addressing the colleges to open free classes for college students according to the need and agreeing to open free classes in their colleges for their students according to the possibility of providing academic staff for it.

Review the schedule preparation and send it electronically to the Deanship of Admission and Registration until the date for entering the tables in the banner is specified, with the necessity to attach the dates of the final exams to complete the entry in the system.

Prepare the final exams schedule by placing general curriculums first, then joint curriculums according to the identification of colleges that the course follows, then inserting specialized curriculums and distributing them over the exams period in a manner that takes into account the interest of students and according to the number of students for each level per day to accommodate halls the number of students.

After approving the preparation of schedules from the Deanship of Admission and Registration and determining the date for entering schedules, work will be done in two tracks, the first of the schedules unit in entering the students into the system, and the second is done according to the following:

A: Sending study schedules to the educational departments with a schedule that includes the number of classes and their codes to distribute to members.

B: Restrict the classes that were not covered by the educational departments and include them within the disability to assign them as an extra quorum or provide cooperatives for them.

C: Preparing the study schedule that posts at the entrance of each hall showing the weekly study schedule.

D: Connecting all the students withe academic staff of educational departments at the system before announcing them to the students.

E: Reviewing the schedule of vacant and specific halls according to the academic schedule in preparation for any developments and changes that members may request.

F: Providing the educational departments, academic guidance and student affairs with a copy of (the academic schedule + reference numbers + exams schedule) for announcing the guides and students.

G: print a hard copy of the academic schedule and all its attachments when needed.

H: After starting the semester, it is necessary to review the numbers of students in the classes, as it requires expanding it, merging, or closing them in case of not registering.

I: Follow the foundation science department to complete the link through them and follow any developments.

Exams  unit:

– Coordination with the competent authorities to perform periodic maintenance for the photocopiers, and to provide photocopy papers and automatic correction forms in quantities suitable for photographing questions.

– Supervising the copying of the exams questions with the educational departments, through setting dates for the educational departments and the joint curriculum unit to start photocopying the questions in the thirteenth week.

– Organize work before the exam date for each curriculam with a statement that includes the number of halls and the member responsible for receiving envelopes for exam’s questions.

– Preparing a statement that includes the name of the member responsible for handing out the completed exam papers and the counted submitted answer sheets

– Submit the course teachers exam’s envelopes, and signed forms for counting paper and student absence.

– Communicating with the students’ affairs to distribute the exam classes according to the number of classrooms and the dates of the examinations.

– Announcing the exams instructions and the regulations laid by student’s affairs.

– Distribution of members from the educational staff to the monitoring halls, according to an agreed mechanism that takes into account fairness in the distribution, and announcing the schedule in advance of the educational departments for any necessary alteration.

Academic Accreditation Unit:

Reviewing academic credentials files in the light of self-study.

Academic Guidance Unit:

1. Clarify and announce academic procedures.

2. Spreading awareness of academic guidance in the college.

3. Follow up the guidance coordinators by activating the academic    guidance in the department.

4. Setting a program for preparing the new students.

5. Connect the students with their guides electronically.

6. Follow-up of the progress of academic guides in the college during the period of early registration and counsel (setting platforms   electronic bag – schedules). 

7. Providing the Academic Guides Unit in the Deanship of Admission and Registration with a report (quarterly – early guidance) on the progress of the academic guidance process.Field Training Unit:

– Prepare a database with the names of the students every beginning of the semester in order to do a statistical number of the students and their preliminary data – Determining thier residential area.

– Follow-up student registration for each semester and its approval by the office.

– Addressing and communicating with the and training organizations to determine the carrying capacity, identifying their conditions and taking official approvals

-Distribution of training students to community institutions, according to the specific criteria.

-Providing the college with private and public organizations suitable for training.

– Distribution of supervisors on training groups according to specific criteria

– Linking between the training student, the institution, the college supervisor and their follow-up, and ensuring the proper functioning of training

– Helping students and supervisors to face obstacles and problems that limit their performance within the training organization.

-Providing students and supervisors with training records and forms related to professional registration methods.

– Receiving the evaluation forms at the end of each semester to monitor grades

– Supervising and following up the progress of the trainee student from the beginning of her enrolment until the completion of her evaluation in each semester.

–  Preparing and designing questionnaires for supervisors to know their opinions in the training authorities and their compatibility with training requirements

– Coordination with the organizations to accept training students.

Common curriculums Unit:

1. Make a schedule of quarterly exams.

2. Contacting the custody office to provide the requirements of the department.

3. Register members’ emails and communicate with them regarding the schedule and reference numbers.

4. Follow the progress of the educational process.

5. Collect discontinuation students’ names and delivery to students’ affairs.

6. Make a schedule of quarterly exams for the department.

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