Faculty of Comparative studies has a greater purpose to intdocue tolerance and understanding between relgiions and followers of different faiths. It is imperative that in order to understand other religions and standing of its followers, one must possess some theological knowlegde about that particular faith. Therefore, such knowlegde is imperative to have greater understanding for improved and friendly communal affairs among different societies, cultures and faiths.
The study of comparative religious studies provides coure work and seminars first analyzing the differences in theological teahcings. Then analyzing different scriptures and religious book, as well as understanding cultural and social factors. These syatematic learning only comes from the structured and step by step incremental knowledge of each faith and its teahcings. The Faculty of Comparative courses are built around the notion to teach each student the logical and social parts of each of the relgions to compare and to udnerstand differences.
Degree holder of this program will be able to have interfaith dialogues with knowledge and foundation and not just following what the media and opposting factors are presenting the picture of a certain faith. Student will become a practitioner of the mutual agreements and differences under the light of the particular faith as well as from the view of the Islamic teachings.
Degrees Offered
Course Category | Number of Courses to complete* |
University Requirements | |
Foundation of Islamic Knowledge (CORE) | 10 |
Faculty of _______________ Requirements | |
English | 4 |
Mathematics | 2 |
Computing | 1 |
American Government | 1 |
American History | 1 |
Prerequisite Courses | |
Health and Physical Education | 2 |
Major Requirements | |
100 level | 3 |
200 level | 3 |
300 level | 2 |
400 level | 2 |
Elective | 5 |
Internship- Project | 2 |
Other Graduation Requirements^ | |
Free Electives | 2 |
Overall | 40*+ |
+ – Courses in the various categories may overlap leading to a different total number of courses. * – Because of course overlap and depending on the choice of courses, the total number of credit hours may vary. ^ – A minimum of 120 credits are required for graduation. A sufficient number of extra courses must be taken to meet any credit shortfall. Students are advised to consult their advisor regarding selection of courses. |
Degrees Offered
Associate in Comparative Studies
Credit Hours Required: Sixty- (60)
Bachelor in Comparative Studies
Credit Hours Required: One Hundred and Twenty- (120)
Masters in Comparative Studies
Credit Hours Required: Forty Eight- (48)
Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Studies
Credit Hours Required: Fifty Four- (54)