University Fee Policies

The American Islamic University ACFD2021 – University Fees and Charges

    Issued: October 26, 2020
Responsible Executive Vice President and Chief Financial

POLICIES Official: Officer
Responsible Office: University Accounting and Bursar Office

Policy Statement

Policy Statement The enrollment of students and assessment, payment and
collection of fees and charges will be handled consistent with
policies, procedures and guidelines of the University. All fees,
charges, and deposits assessed and collected by or for the
American Islamic University require formal approval by the President
of the University or the Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer.
In accordance with University policies, the university will
provide a process through which any student may appeal the
application of any fee or charge or the calculation or denial of a


•       Overview

•       Establishing University Fees/Charges

•       Fees and Charges

•       Publishing University Fees/Charges

•  Appeals of University Fees/Charges and Refunds

•  Collection of University Fees and Charges

• Related Forms

•  New Fee or Change in Amount of Fee Request
•  Appeal/Request for Review of Fee, Charge or Refund
•  Appeals of University Fees and Charges
•  University & Student Business Services
•  BF4021 - Cash Handling

Overview University & Student Business Services (hereinafter referred to
as UABO) will review and provide written concurrence with all
published information in regard to University fees, charges,
deposits, and refunds.
UABO is responsible for the determination and collection of all
amounts due the University.
The University has specific procedures through which the
assessment or refund of any fee, fine, or charge can be appealed.
University policy ACFD2021Cash Handling and

related procedures concerning the handling of cash receipts  will
be reviewed and followed if the department or activity will be
involved in the handling of collections. Cash receipting by other
departments must be approved by UABO and employees with a
responsibility for collecting cash must be trained prior to the
collection of University fees and charges.

Establishing University All requests for the establishment of new University
Fees/Charges fees/charges or for changes in existing University fees/charges
are to be submitted in writing to UABO on the “New Fee or
Change in Amount of Fee Request” form. All requests are to be
completed in full and include the proposed effective date of the
establishment/modification as well as the refund policy for the
fee/charge. If there will be no refund of the fee or charge, it will
be clearly indicated as a “Non-refundable” fee/charge.
UABO will prepare and submit each fee/charge request to the
appropriate officials for formal approval. UABO will formally
notify the requesting official of the fee/charge’s approval or the
denial of the establishment/modification of the fee/charge.

Requests for seminars, workshops, conferences and other one-
time-events may be submitted during the year, but must be
received in UABO at least two months prior to the event.
UABO will maintain all correspondence and original approvals
of all University fees and charges.
The Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer may
also approve, in specific instances, other university
officials/offices to assume responsibility for the determination
and collection of fees/charges and the determination of
refunds. Each instance, however, must be approved in writing by
the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

Fees and Charges All fees and charges must go through the fee approval process before they become effective. These fees and charges will include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Admission Fees
-Maintenance Fees (tuition)
-Out-of-State Tuition
-University Service Fees
-Specialized Academic Fees
-Course Fees
-Late Payment Fees
-Late Registration Fees
-AMISUN Eat$ Meal Plans
-Residence Life Fees and Fines
-Parking Fees and Fines
-Library Fees and Fines
-Other Student Fees and Fines
-Fees and Charges made for various services rendered or
products sold
-Services rendered by the Speech and Hearing Center,
Psychological Services Center, Early Childhood Education,
Chucalissa Museum and similar activities.
-Fees and Charges for workshops, conferences, non-credit
course, and similar activities
-All other instances where the university collects or assesses a
fee or charge.
Detailed information concerning all student-related fees is
available on the UABO website under “Explanation of Fees”
at and/or is shown

on the fee charts available at All University fees are consistent with University policy guidelines.

Publishing University The University attempts to follow a general standard
Fees/Charges format when publishing information on University fees and
The format includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. All statements which include a University fee/charge
amount will be complete and specific enough to prevent
any misunderstanding by the readers.
2. Whenever a University fee/charge is quoted or
specified, the refund status will also be stated. If there
are qualifying conditions for a fee refund, these
conditions will be stated.
3. Where applicable, specific dates related to the payment
of University fees and associated fee refunds will be
stated or a link to that information will be provided.
4. It will be specified that any payment of University fees
are to be made payable online, where possible, or checks
made to The American Islamic University and an exact
mailing address approved by UABO will be provided if
payments by mail can reasonably be expected.
Appeals of University Any student or other interested individual may appeal the
Fees/Charges and Refunds assessment, application, calculation, or interpretation of any
University fee, charge, deposit, refund, or any University action
connected with fees, charges, refunds, and collection
procedures. Appeals for any fee, charge, refund, or calculation
relating to registration fees must be submitted by the student
within one year of the term in which the fee assessment was
A written appeal may be filed on forms available online or in
UABO and may be approved if within the guidelines of
UABO. If UABO does not approve the appeal, the appellant is
advised of his/her rights to file a second appeal within ten (10)
calendar days to the Executive Director for UABO. The decision
of the Executive Director may be appealed to the University’s
Fee/Refund Appeals Committee; this is the last appeals step
which will be acted upon by the University. The
recommendation of the University’s Fee/Refund Appeals
Committee will be forwarded to the Executive Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer for a final decision. Detailed
information is available on the UABO website under “Student
Financial Appeals” at .

Traffic fines and citations may be appealed through a separate process on forms available from the Parking and Transportation Services office, Office of Student Accountability, or the Student Government Association office. Housing and Residence Life appeals are also subject to a separate appeal procedure.

Appeals in reference to AMISUN Eat$ meal plans are to be filed online on the campus card website at card/diningappeals.php.

Appeals related to Housing and Residence Life financial matters are to be filed first with the Housing and Residence Life office. The decision of the appeal will be emailed to the student within 1-2 weeks. Decisions of the Housing and Residence Life office may be appealed in writing to the Executive Director of UABO. This decision may be appealed to the University Fee/Refund Appeals Committee.

Collection of University Fees The UABO office follows detailed collection procedures for and Charges university fees and charges, in accordance with University policies and guidelines.

Pursuant to TX.C.A. Section 28-1-113, there is no time limit on the institutions’ authority to collect receivables unless otherwise expressly provided by statute.

Related Forms

New Fee or Change in Amount of Fee Request

Appeal/Request for Review of Fee, Charge or Refund

Send an email and a link will be forworded.

Cash Handling Policy ACFD2021 – Cash Handling ACFD2021

Revision Dates

Issued: October 26, 2020

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