Undergraduate Admissions Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Anticipated Entry Term *Spring 2024Fall 2024Spring 2025Fall 2025Admissions Level Sought *Graduate (Masters')Doctorate/ Ph.D.Post Doc. (Post Doctorate)Academic Program (Leave Blank if not sure)Are you interested in learning more about taking online courses at a reduced rate at AMISUN? *YesNoDo you want to be a fulltime or parttime Student?FulltimePart TimePERSONAL INFORMATION- Please fill out the following fields as completely and accurately as possible.Complete Name as per your Identity documents *First nameMiddle Name (If no middle name write N/A) *Middle NameLast Name (Family name) *The family surname in some instances may not be the last name. Just write down what appears in your documents.Date of Birth *MM/DD/YYYYGenderMaleFemaleHere you will write traditional gender. If need help, select appropriate and provide details in the essay.Race *Indian- Bangladeshi and Pakistani (South Asian)Central Asian (Former Russian Federtion)Hispanic (Spanish Descent)Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Cambodian, Thai and Eastern Asian DescentMiddle Eastern including IranianEastern European- WhiteWestern European- WhiteBlack or AfricanNative American IndianPacific IslanderU.S. Social Security Number *(000-00-0000)In case of No Social Security Number, write your own national identity number here. (Mention Country name as well)Marital Status *Single and never marriedEngagedMarriedRemarriedDivorcedSeparated but not divorcedWidowedHome Phone including country and area codeMobile (Cell) Phone including country and area code *Email *PERSONAL INFORMATION Please fill out the following fields as completely and accurately as possible. Is English your first languauage? *YesNoIf no, what is your first language?What other language(s) do you speak? Primary language of parentsCitizenshipU.S. CitizenNon-U.S. citizenLegal Resident alienUndocumented Resident ALienCountry and city of Birth (If non-U.S citizen)Permanent Resident Number (Green Card Number)Ethnicity *HispanicNon-HispanicUNITED STATES MILITARY BACKGROUND If you or any member of your immediate family has served or are serving in the US Armed Forces, please fill out the information below. (i.e. U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Coast Guard, etc.) This excludes all dishonorable discharged status. (Provide details in the box below)I have separated and/or been discharged from the U.S. YesNoCurrent Mailing Address: *Current Address Valid Till: *MM/DD/YYYYPermanent Address: If address above is temporary, please list permanent mailing address below. Non U.S. Citizens living in the U.S., please provide current U.S. mailing address: *Are you a U.S. citizen living abroad?YesNoINTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Non U.S. students, please complete the following box. Write your Permanent Address here.Fill this box only if you are an international student and currently living abroad.Social Media Contact *WhatsAppSkypeKako chatWeChatViberBot-IMTelegramSocial Media ID or Phone Number *Are you currently living in the US with an immigration Visa?YesNoIf yes, what is the name of the U.S. School that issued your Visa?Current I-20 If known, what is the anticipated release of your SEVIS records?If you have a different kind of visa, please list it here (F-2, B1/B2, R2, etc)Visa NumberVisa Issue DateMM/DD/YYYYVisa Expiration DateMM/DD/YYYYSPONSOR INFORMATION (Required for Non U.S. students) As an International (Non U.S.) student, you are required, by the United States government, to provide financial information that proves your ability to meet the cost of your education at AMISUM University. The average amount of scholarship offered by AMISUM University varies, based on academic performance. This amount will range from $1000-$12000.Provide name, address, and other necessary information about your sponsor.How do you plan to pay for your education at AMISUN University?SelfFamily MemberSponsorSponsor InformationFamily MemberOrganizationSponsorOtherAdditional Sponsor Information If you will have more than one sponsor or have chosen “Other,” please input name and relationship below.ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY TOEFL/IELTS is required for International (Non U.S.) students who have not taken the ACT or SAT exam. What English Proficiency Exam have you taken?I plan to take/ have taken the GRE/ GMAT Exam Date: (DD/MM/YYYY) I plan to take/have taken the TOEFL exam. TOEFL Exam Date: (DD/MM/YYYY)I plan to take/have taken the IELTS exam. IELTS Exam Date: (DD/MM/YYYY)I attended an accredited college/university in the United States and will transfer a College English course to AMISUN. If yes, please list college and course takenWrite course name, grade, and details exactly as it appears in the transcripts.PARENT EDUCATIONAL LEVEL-What is the highest level of education completed by Parents?Less than High SchoolSome High SchoolHigh School/ GEDVocational Training CertificateSome CollegeCollege Degree Bachelor'sGraduate DegreePost Graduate DegreeNot AvailableSIBLINGS- How many brothers and sisters you have? (Write number and details in the box below)Year of Graduating High SchoolGraduating DateMM/DD/YYYYGraduating High SchoolComplete Address of High SchoolYear of Graduation of Undergraduate Degree *Name and Address of Undergraduate College/ University (IF attended more than one college or university, list details of all colleges and universities attended, if there is some credit listed on your transcript, leave those out which have no credits or reporting done on your undergrdauate transcripts and or degrees. *HONORS & ACHIEVEMENTS Briefly list any academic distinctions or honors you have received since the 9th grade or international equivalent (e.g. National Merit, Cum Laude Society). For each honor, you must specify at least one grade and one recognition level.EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Please list your principal extracurricular, community, volunteer and family activities and hobbies. Include specific events and/or major accomplishments such as musical instrument played, varsity letters earned, etc.Name of Activity Activity Details (years, accomplishments etc.) AMISUN University seeks students who are serious about their faith and will benefit spiritually from their time at AMISUN. Do you consider yourself to be a Muslim? (Any Muslim denomination, including Shia)YesNoDISCIPLINARY HISTORY– Have you been convicted of a crime other than a traffic violation in the last seven years?YesNoIf “yes” please give details of conviction. A conviction will not necessarily disqualify you for admission. *Note: AMISUN University reserves the right to ask for further explanation if the included explanation does not suffice. If you have selected “Yes,” please give the approximate date of each incident, explain the circumstances, and reflect on what you learned from the experience.INFLUENCING FACTORS What was your primary influencing factor in applying to AMISUN? STANDARDS OF CONDUCT– Answers to the following questions are confidential and will only be used to ensure your growth and success at AMISUN.Have you used tobacco in the past two years? YesNoHave you used illegal drugs in the past two years?YesNoHave you consumed alcoholic beverages in the past two years?YesNoIf “Yes” to any of the above questions, please provide clear details of the circumstances.ADMISSIONS ESSAY Your 250-550 word (double-spaced) admissions essay must be submitted before your application is considered ready to review. Email your admissions essay to: admissionsdm@AMISUN-edu.us when complete. Essay Prompt: At AMISUN University our common foundation is our faith in Islam and looking to the Quran and Hadith as a source of knowledge, truth, and inspiration. In 250-500 words, 1. Describe how and when you made a decision to learn additional details about Islam 2. Using personal examples, share about your spiritual growth over the past 3 years.Additionally, in 50 words or less, please share why you are interested in attending AMISUN University.CERTIFICATION Please affirm the following before you turn in your application. I understand that once my application has been submitted it may NOT be altered in any way.YesNoI certify that all of the information submitted in the application is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented. I authorize all schools attended to release all requested records and authorize review of my application. I understand that I may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation or expulsion, should the information I certified be false.YesNoI understand that an offer of admission is conditional, pending receipt of final transcripts showing work comparable in quality to that upon which the offer was based.YesNoAGREEMENT FOR ALL APPLICANTS AMISUN University offers a unique, Muslim, collegiate environment committed to fostering the spiritual development of students, for the purpose of impacting the world for true faith and guidance. To ensure this environment is beneficial for all students, there are certain behavioral standards that guide the AMISUN community. The following examples of the AMISUN Community Standards are not exhaustive but are intended to give you an idea of what is expected of you, should you ultimately enroll as a AMISUN student. Over the course of your AMISUN career, you will be expected to: • follow Islamic example, love others, act unselfishly, and repent of sin and prohibited behavior as you become aware • live with integrity, submit to Islamic instruction, and accept responsibility for your actions • refrain from dishonesty, theft, the use of illegal drugs, and any other illegal activity • refrain from sexual behavior contrary to the AMISUN Community Standards • abstain from gambling, the use of tobacco products, and the consumption of alcoholic beverages As a student at AMISUN, you are not expected to be a perfect person, but a person actively pursuing spiritual growth within a diverse community of Muslim students. AMISUN leaders are eager to serve you and the community by providing support and accountability. As an institution, AMISUN University reserves the right to refuse admittance and/or dismiss any person who does not abide by the AMISUN Community Standards or the principles, policies, and expectations of the University. AMISUN University has a strong Muslim commitment and requires that to be accepted, an applicant must also possess an active commitment to his or her own Muslim faith (in case of non Muslims, according to their faith as prescribed in their book of faith). AMISUN does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability in the admission of students, employment, or the educational programs and activities it conducts. For more information, the complete published AMISUN Community Standards are viewable online. *YesNoI have read, understand and agree to uphold the AMISUN Community Standards as summarized above. *YesNoSIGNATURE — Your signature is your confirmation that the application you have filled out is your own work and the information is factually true. *Please type your name here- It is imperative that an online typed name is considered equal to a signature.Today's Date *MM/DD/YYYYCOMMUNICATION AUTHORIZATION By submitting this application: (a) I authorize AMISUN University to contact me via phone, text, email and/or mail; (b) I acknowledge that if AMISUN University contacts me via text message, message and data rates may apply; and (c) I further acknowledge that I may opt-out of any of the preceding forms of communication at any time by contacting AMISUN University's Office of Admissions. *I AgreeI DisagreeANNUAL SECURITY REPORT AMISUN is committed to assisting all members of its community in providing for their own safety and security. As per the Clery ACT , you are entitled to AMISUN University’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, which is made available at https://www.AMISUN-edu.us/campus-safety/clery. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report contains information regarding campus security and personal safety including topics such as: crime prevention, fire safety, university police law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, crime statistics for the three previous calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus and/or in the area, disciplinary procedures, and other matters of importance related to security and safety of campus. This information is required by law and is provided by AMISUN University. APPLICATION SUBMISSION DETAILS Please fill in as many fields as possible. An incomplete application may result in delayed processing. Next steps in the application process: • Application Form: After you have submitted your completed application to this portal, you will receive an email within 24 hours with more details on supplemental items and your online profile. • Essay: All students are required to submit an admissions essay, using the prompt in the application. Please make sure that you have completed the essay section in this application. (We recommend writing the essay in the Word software and then pasting it in the application). • Transcripts: Transfer students are required to submit college transcripts from each institution attended. o Unofficial Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts may be emailed to admissions.transcripts@AMISUN-edu.us. Official Transcripts: Transcripts will be considered official only when sent directly from the institution to AMISUN. Order official transcripts through Parchment or mail official transcripts directly from the institution to the following address: AMISUN University Office of Graduate Admissions 3944 W. Alabama Street, suite-2 Houston, Texas 77027 United States of America- TYPE YOUR NAME HERE to VERIFY THAT YOU HAVE RECIEVED THIS LEGAL INFORMATION AND HAVE READ IT. *Submit Total Page Visits: 204 - Today Page Visits: 2